Havent posted in a while, so no one is going to be checking this anytime soon i am guessing. i have had quite a rough couple months, but i am now on the upswing and things are smoothing out. this last downswing was pretty unique because i was still having fairly regular alone times (although much less frequent than usual). time to journal and time to read scripture, etc. Things with kathryn were up and down, but more frequently down. i was in a lot of transition and the like. all this combined with not having much i wanted to write about nor wanting to do much more than continue to simply exist.
that said, i am now in spain at the beginning of a month long tour of europe and things are beginning to smooth themsleves out. it is exciting and i am going to try and post my thoughts and experiences here over the course of the trip. after that, i will be back in school and i hope that will give me some fuel for writing here more often.
first thoughts...porto portugal was beautiful and i loved my short stay there (not to mention jumping off a bridge 50 ft into the river below in my boxers with my best friend). it was a picturesque city and it is worth spending some time there just to take it all in. it is also really cheap. however, santiago is more beautiful to me becuase it is beautiful to be in and not just beautiful to look at. the old town part where we will be most of our stay is all stone with sculptures and a giant cathedral, and fountains and it is gorgeous. i love it (and i had a giant chicken sandwich and french fries and a cafe con leche for like 7 bucks for dinner, they love french fries here and in porto). more to come, but i wanted to get something down here for now. peace.
March 1-7
1 day ago
glad to see the opat love of chicken sandwiches is alive and well, even overseas.
funny. dan and i just jumped off the birmingham into the river yesterday. and who says you can't get the excitement of europe right in your own backyard. we're holdin down the fort. come back in one piece. if you don't, we won't know what to do, we haven't written it into the bylaws yet!
no way! you actually went into the mon? nasty...i will have to come with you guys next time. how high is that?
haha. umm... no. not really. that was sarcasm brotha. but we can talk about doin it when you get back. it'll be a unity building thing. we'll all have a rare south african thread of the flu together from being in that nasty water, it'll be great.
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